As we close in on another annual election period for Medicare Parts C and D (begins October 15, 2016), watch out for Looney Left Lie 41 (see Note). It's one of the left's favorite attacks on public Part C health plans (the most popular of which is called Medicare Advantage by the 2003 Medicare Modernization Act) and especially on people who choose Part C. The left claims you leave Medicare if you choose Part C.
That is a lie. 100% -- everyone -- on a public Part C health plan is on Medicare. As the illustration from the Medicare and You booklet shows, Part C simply "combines Parts A and B (and usually Part D)." You are 100% on Medicare exactly as is everyone also on Medicaid and exactly as is everyone also on a private Medigap plan and exactly as is everyone also on private group retiree insurance. In fact you cannot buy either a private Medigap supplement or a public Part C Medicare Advantage health plan unless you first sign up for and keep current both Parts A and B of Medicare. And almost everyone that does not get retiree health insurance from a former employer or union or who is not on Medicaid buys either a public Part C or private Medigap supplement because Parts A and B of Medicare are so bad.
The left hates seniors who choose Part C for being independent and making good choices. I have saved about $25,000 in my first five years on Medicare by choosing public Part C health plan. The left hates such seniors for saving money and not putting all their money into their private insurance plans while suffering with their one-size-fits-all crappy Federal program.
But remember Part C is not for everyone (see other postings on this blog).
NOTE: The Looney Left Lie Numbering system imprecise