One of the favorite lies about Medicare from the looney left1 (see other examples here, here and here) is that it is unfair to poor seniors. The leftist income-redistributionist argument goes that Medicare should be means tested like Social Security and Medicaid. But it already is.
As the 2014 Medicare and You booklet clearly shows (see image above), Medicare is already means tested.
Of course, rich seniors also pay more for their Medicare because they spent 3%-plus of higher payroll-based incomes for their whole lives in order to fund the Medicare Part A trust fund and presumably paid large income taxes their entire lives (unless they had really good tax accountants) to fund the Part B trust fund.
1There are plenty of right-wing propagandistic Medicare claims as well. I cite them here and on Massachusetts Health Stats frequently. But it appears that the left just hates senior citiziens more than the right wing so looney lefty lies far outnumber right-wing ones.
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