Actually it's old news. I think the Boston Globe ran this story in October 2014. For sure it was covered back then by the Harvard Crimson?
But the New York Times is having fun January 5, 2015 poking fun at all the goo goo professor types over at Harvard complaining for four months now about the university's 2015 employee health plan details.
I would interpret the lefty moaning and groaning more in the lens of RomneyCare versus the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) than the Times did. But of course many people seem to forget that Harvard is located in Massachusetts.
An interesting sidelight of the Times story is that many of the Harvard professors are claiming the University's data about its own rising healthcare costs are wrong. They're even using Gruber spreadsheets to demonstrate their displeasure., Doesn't the University know that these same professors have done all kinds of experimentally statistically regressively thought-provoking research saying PPACA has lowered health care costs. Except in Massachusetts apparently.