How much do you want to bet that before the day is out some far-left-wing web site will publish the just released Massachusetts Center for Healthcare Information and Analysis (CHIA) report on the number of people in Massachusetts with healthcare insurance as of July 2014 and claim that Massachusetts has reached total 100% insurance coverage.
What the hell; the news is better than that.
1CHIA explains on the last page of the five things it released on this subject on October 21, 2014 in small print at the end
"Using payer-reported data provided in this Briefing to estimate an insurance rate may overstate the number of insured Massachusetts residents. Challenges exist in identifying unique enrollment counts across multiple payers and in determining an appropriate state population denominator. CHIA will release its population-based Massachusetts Household Insurance Survey in early 2015, which will include an updated Massachusetts uninsurance rate."
In other fine print CHIA notes that it double counts people -- typically between age 65 and 69 who are still working -- who have both Medicare and employer sponsored insurance (ESI accounts for most of the Commercial Insurance block in the image), anyone that had both traditional fee for service Medicare and a public capitated-fee Part C health plan during 2012-2014, other people in "transition" (literally the name of the Obamacare screw-up bucket) and also counts students from out of state on a Student Health Plan (there's a few tens of thousands of such kids in Massachusetts). No where in the main handouts from the CHIA does the Goebells adherents that run CHIA mention this double counting.